Enjoy your Bitter Lemon drink with a lemon twist.
Bitter Lemon is a drink originally made by Schweppes. The drink is carbonated tonic water with both lemon juice and rind added to it to create a more bitter flavor. Bitter Lemon is often used with gin, vodka or whiskey to create a refreshing cocktail with a lemon twist.
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Bitter Lemon and Vodka
A regular Bitter Vodka is simply two parts vodka with the rest of the glass filled with Bitter Lemon. However, there are some different (and fun) drinks that you can make with vodka and Bitter Lemon. An Absolut Evergreen is two-thirds Absolut Citron and one-third Pisang Ambon (a banana liqueur); the rest of the glass is filled with Bitter Lemon. If you ask your bartender for Poison, he'll give you a drink that's one part vodka, one part orange liqueur and four parts Bitter Lemon.
Bitter Lemon and Gin
There are a couple of different Bitter Lemon drinks that can be mixed with gin. If you want something refreshing, ask for an Arctic Summer, which includes one and a half parts gin, three-quarters part apricot brandy, a splash of grenadine and four parts Bitter Lemon. A Bitter Christina is one part gin, one part dry vermouth, four parts Bitter Lemon and a splash of banana liqueur. If you ask your bartender for a UFO, he'll pour you a simple drink of one part gin and three parts Bitter Lemon.
Bitter Lemon and Whiskey
Although not as popular as vodka or gin, Bitter Lemon can also be mixed with whiskey to create a more earthy and sweet flavor. A Beef on Rye is half part whiskey, one and a half parts gin (typically Beefeater), half part fruit syrup and two parts Bitter Lemon. If you ask your bartender to Strip and Yell, he'll (hopefully) pour you a drink that's one and a quarter part Rebel Yell whiskey, three-quarters part peach schnapps, one-quarter part Strega herbal liqueur, and four parts Bitter Lemon.