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drinks-cocktailsHow to throw the perfect mocktail party

How to throw the perfect mocktail party

Mocktails are just what it sounds like–mock cocktails. There are many opportunities to throw a mocktail party. You can create a fun and festive event without the added alcohol. Mocktail parties can be just as fun as cocktail parties if you approach the event in a fun and entertaining way. Throwing a perfect mocktail party involves planning, creativity, great drink recipes and decorative glasses and napkins. Read on to learn how to throw the perfect mocktail party.

Step 1

Choose an event that would complement a mocktail party. Maybe a going away lunch for a co-worker or a friend of yours is pregnant and you want to throw her a baby shower. These would be good opportunities for a mocktail party. A mocktail party is a good choice when you want to add a special pizazz to a party but you don't want to include alcohol.

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Step 2

Choose an array of specialty drink recipes. There are some great fun and fruity flavored recipes for cocktails but you just want to leave out the alcohol. Select at least three different recipes. For example, try a a virgin frozen daquiri, a virgin margarita and soda water with fresh lemon or lime. By choosing at least three different recipes chances are you will have something that will appeal to each of your guests.

Step 3

Serve each of the drinks in festive colored glassware with some type of decorative item such as a toothpick paper umbrella or a mermaid. Choose something that will coordinate with the rest of the party. Serve the drinks on a party tray to add to the festive mood. Use coordinating napkins. Serve the mocktails to your guests and also leave a "bar" available for them to help themselves.

Step 4

Play good music. One of the reasons it seems alcohol is served so often at parties is alcohol seems to make some people feel more relaxed. If you key up a creative play list before the party starts you will help set a relaxing but fun atmosphere for the party. Your guests will mingle and indulge in good conversation in no time. You will be on your way to throwing a perfect mocktail party.

Step 5

Finally, plan a party game. Make sure the game is simple because it is meant only to be an ice breaker. For a baby shower you could collect baby safety pins in a large glass container and offer a prize to whoever guesses the right number. You could have trivia cards around the room and encourage guests to ask each other questions from the list. Tailor the trivia to the type of party you are having. By planning a party game to serve as an ice breaker you get your guests involved in something fun.

Step 6

Keep your mocktails fresh and well stocked. A blended drink will need to be kept chilled. A soda water with fresh lime will need available ice. Offer to re-fill your guests drinks for them. Keep the party going in a positive up-beat direction.


Make sure you let your guests know that this will be a mock-tail party on the invitation. Plan the party for early to late afternoon when most people aren't expecting to be served alcohol.


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