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Main DishesHow to Make and Preserve Strawberry Jam

How to Make and Preserve Strawberry Jam

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Slather it on warm, buttery toast first thing in the morning or pair it with your favorite peanut butter for a special PB&J sandwich lunch. You can even make the berry season last throughout the winter by preserving some of this yummy homemade jam. These little jars of deliciousness would make great gifts or party favors and imagine everyone's delight when they find out you made them yourself. Let's get jammin'.

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!

Things You\’ll Need

  • 5 cups crushed strawberries

  • 1 box Sure Jell Fruit Pectin

  • 1/2 teaspoon butter

  • 7 cups sugar

  • Jars with 2-piece lids

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!

Step 1

Wash and remove the hulls of the strawberries.

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!


You could use a small sharp knife to remove the hulls, but another way to easily remove the strawberry hulls is by using a straw. Simply run the straw through the strawberry from the bottom and push the hull out.

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!

Step 2

Crush the washed and hulled strawberries.

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!

Step 3

Place the crushed berries into a large saucepan. Add a 1/2 teaspoon of butter to keep the jam from foaming. Add one package of the fruit pectin and stir to combine. Bring this mixture to a full rolling boil. Be sure to continue to stir so the bottom doesn't get scorched.

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!

Step 4

Next, add the 7 cups of sugar all at once. Stir and bring to a full rolling boil again. Boil and stir constantly for one minute. Turn the heat off.

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!

Step 5

Use a ladle and a canning funnel to fill the sterilized jars to 1/4 inch from the top. Remove the funnel and wipe the jar rim with a wet cloth. Cover the jars with sterilized 2-piece lids.

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!

Step 6

Place the jars onto the steamer canner shelf. Place the canner lid over the jars and turn on high heat. Once the steam starts to come out of the hole in the front of the canner, start the timer. Process the jars for 10 minutes.

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!

Step 7

After 10 minutes, remove the canner lid and use an oven mitt to take the hot jars off the shelf. Place the jars on a clean towel. You will start to hear the jars ping and that means they are sealing. Let the jars sit still for 24 hours. After they cool, check to see if they sealed by pressing the center of the lid. If it springs back, the jar didn't seal and will have to be placed in the refrigerator. The sealed jars of jam will last up to a year in a cool dark place. An unsealed jar of jam will last in the refrigerator up to 3 weeks.

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!

Time to get your jam on!

Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat! Ruby red and mouth-watering sweet, strawberry jam is a summertime treat!


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