Things You\’ll Need
Drink beer Image Credit: Getty Images/Lifesize/Getty Images
Beer breath can be unpleasant for anyone that you are talking to, so it's important to try to get rid of the odor. Chewing gum after drinking beer is one way to help get rid of beer breath, but it may only mask the odor for a short time. You can also consider trying a different type or brand of beer that may not make your breath smell as bad.
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Step 1
Eat peanuts Image Credit: Visage/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Eat food that will absorb the alcohol, such as peanuts. Eating along with drinking will help to produce more saliva in your mouth to help cover the smell of beer.
Step 2
Breath mints Image Credit: Images
Chew gum after drinking. It may seem obvious to get rid of beer breath with breath mints and gum, but it's important to chew sour-flavored or mint gum that will keep your mouth smelling fresh even after you spit the gum out.
Step 3
Drink water Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself and detox as much beer out of your system as possible. Drinking water will also help to prevent a hangover in the morning.
Step 4
Brush your teeth Image Credit: George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Brush your teeth, floss and use mouthwash before you go to sleep. This is the most beneficial way to cleanse your mouth of beer breath and will also make you more appealing if you are with a significant other. This also helps to remove any food that is stuck in your teeth that was helping the beer smell linger.
Rinse your mouth with mouthwash for up to five minutes. Also, make sure to use an alcohol-based mouthwash and then rinse your mouth with a cup of water.
Always drink responsibly.